
Ghostwriting is False Economy

By ACS Distance Education on June 24, 2015 in Education | comments

Ghost writing is where you pay someone to write something for you; then put your name on it, and represent it as your own work.

In the world of tertiary education; ghost writing has become big business; with students paying people to write essays, reports and assignments for them. This is however very much a false economy.

 If you don't do the work, You don't get the Learning

Students who cheat with ghost writing, may gain qualifications; but current research today shows that what you learn is what determines career success. The qualifications may help you get an interview; but if you don't know your stuff; you won't perform in the interview; or in the workplace. Employers will expect more from you than what you are capable of giving; and that is a recipe for long term failure.

Why People are Using Ghost Writers?

There has been an over emphasis on "qualifications" by parents, education professionals and the media. At the same time, the importance of "learning" has been neglected; and within broader society, the lines that differentiate learning from qualifications, have been blurred.

This is contrary to research in the jobs market and broader economy.

When people believe that getting the qualification is "all that counts": there is an impetus to do whatever it takes to get the qualification. When people are not consciously thinking about the importance of learning, they forget the down side of cheating.


The obvious way to reduce ghost writing and any other forms of cheating, is to start de-emphasising qualifications, and promoting a much greater awareness of learning, as being distinctly different to qualifications.