
4 Diet-Related Issues that Cause Problems for Fish

By ACS Distance Education on July 21, 2015 in Animals | comments

4 Diet-Related Issues that Cause Problems for Fish


Are you new to keeping fish? Ensuring that you are feeding your fish the right food and the correct quantities is important for their health. They can become ill or die if you overfeed or underfeed your fish.

Most diet related problems are slow to develop and usually result from incorrect feeding. Signs and symptoms can be vague, however under and over feeding are usually obvious in most fish species. Constipation develops when there is a blockage in the digestive tract, it can potentially be fatal and is often accompanied by a lack of appetite and reduced feeding. The body may become bloated and the fish’s movements slowed. Constipation can have a number of causes; however it is usually the result of an unsuitable diet. Constipation may also arise if the fish has eaten inert objects such as gravel. Some fish may become constipated if fed only dry foods.

Obesity is common in many species of aquarium fish as most have a good appetite and will eat whenever they are fed. Obesity can cause swimming problems and should not be confused with pregnancy in female fish which may develop a swollen abdomen during breeding. Reducing feeding slowly is the only cure for obese fish.

Malnutrition or under feeding shows as a slowing decreasing fish girth or size and may occur from insufficient food, or from other problems such as unsuitable food, certain diseases or other stresses such as problems with water chemistry or temperature. Fish may stop feeding in the water becomes too cold for the particular species. Some fish are nocturnal and may need feeding at night as they will not consume food during the day. All fish should be observed at feeding time to ensure all are eating sufficiently and none are being bullied away from food.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can take a long time to develop. Symptoms are generally caused by poor or incorrect diet. Good quality dry fish foods usually contain all of the vitamins and minerals required for growth; however, some cheaper brands may not be as well balanced as others. Dry foods should be stored correctly and used before their expiry date.


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