
Rethink Careers Training

By ACS Distance Education on September 30, 2014 in Education | comments
Mankind is becoming more productive but is there a downside?

If half the workforce ends up producing produce ten times the goods and services we currently use....
.....who is going to use all the extra goods & services; and what are the 50% unemployed going to do?

Does this mean that a successful career has more to do with learning to be your own boss, than learning to work for someone else?

Worthless Degrees

By ACS Distance Education on September 30, 2014 in Education | comments
From an article in a UK newspaper (The Telegraph), September 2014:

Today's university students are being sold a lie
Expanding higher education has led to too many useless universities, useless degrees and useless graduates, says Alex Proud

Grevillea Cuttings

By ACS Distance Education on September 29, 2014 in Horticulture | comments
Most grevillea species that are available in nurseries root readily from semi-hardwood side shoots growing off one year old wood.

Usually take nodal cuttings by cutting at right angles immediately below a bud. They will also strike from basal cuttings (cutting through the base of the shoot where it joins the parent branch) as well as from heel cuttings (where a section of bark from the parent plant is pulled off with the cutting). 

Many home gardeners have success with heel cuttings taken about length. They use a potting mix of one part sand to one part peat moss (or an environmentally-friendly substitute like coir), and then place them in a cold frame or plastic greenhouse with no bottom heat. It might be worthwhile experimenting with taking cuttings at different times of year if you attempt this. 

Lavender Cleaners

By ACS Distance Education on September 29, 2014 in Herbs & Horticulture | comments
Lavender oil is used for cleaning purposes due to its fragrance and antiseptic properties. It can be added to homemade cleaning products.

When to Train Staff

By ACS Distance Education on September 29, 2014 in Education & Psychology | comments
How do you determine that staff need training?
As an employer, supervisor or manager; ask yourself these questions.

Untrained staff can be a liability if they don't know rge parameters they should work in; or have the skills to do a job properly.