Certificate in Health Coaching VRE108

Health Coaching is an exciting emerging industry - will you be part of it?

The rate of preventable diseases are rising at a rapid rate. People are becoming more and more disconnected from healthy lifestyles - Many people don't know how to be healthy, or they know what they need to do to be healthy but need the support to actually do it. Either way, there are so many people need a health coach to support them to live the life they want.

A Health Coach will help people identify their goals and what is preventing them from reaching their goals, then develop ways to help clients reach their goals - providing support, encouragement and ideas along the way. A health coach will primarily focus on helping clients reach great health, but within that, as well as including physical health, such as nutrition and exercise, the health coach may also take a more holistic approach and include emotional health, financial health, healthy relationships, career and life purpose, and so on.

Health Coaching is an exciting emerging industry - will you be part of it?


Module 1. Human Nutrition I BRE102
1. Introduction to Nutrition
2. The Digestive System
3. Absorption and Enzymes
4. Energy Values of Foods
5. Carbohydrates and Fats
6. Proteins
7. Vitamins and Minerals
8. Water
9. Nutrient Disorders

Module 2. Life Coaching BPS 305
1. Introduction
2. Individual Perception
3. A Well Balanced Life
4. Coaching Processes
5. Coaching Skills
6. Coaching and physical well-being
7. Coaching and psychological well-being
8. Coaching Success
9. Goal Setting
10. Review and Adjustment

Module 3. Counselling Skills I BPS109
1. Learning Specific Skills
2. Listening and Bonding
3. Reflection
4. Questioning
5. Interview Techniques
6. Changing Beliefs and Normalising
7. Finding Solutions
8. Ending the Counselling

Module 4. Human Nutrition II BRE202
1.Cooking and its Effects on Nutrition
2. Food Processing and its Effect on Nutrition
3. Recommended Daily Intake of Nutrients
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Planning a Balanced Diet
7. Assessing Nutritional Status and Needs
8. Diet Planning for Special Needs


  • Business Coaching
  • Health and Fitness I
  • Weight loss Consultant
  • Nutrition for Weight loss
  • Human  Nutrition III
  • Therapeutic Nutrition
  • Careers Counselling
  • Creative Therapies
  • Play Therapy
  • Horticultural Therapy
  • Aromatherapy II
  • Back Care


  • Explain the role of different food types in human health.
  • Explain the physiology of digestive processes.
  • Recommend appropriate intake of vitamins.
  • Recommend appropriate intake of minerals.
  • Recommend appropriate food intake to meet an individual's energy needs.
  • Recommend appropriate carbohydrate intake.
  • Recommend appropriate fat intake.
  • Recommend appropriate protein intake.
  • Recommend appropriate water intake in different situations.
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of the major nutrient disorders.


Identify Existing Barriers to Personal Growth and Fulfillment

Barriers can be (and usually are) internal barriers of thought, attitude and behaviour. They can include lack of self-discipline, lack of clear, realistic goals, low motivation, pessimism, lack of skills or conflicting needs and desires. Barriers can also be external barriers, such as low income, distance, and lack of transport or other people.

Establish Goals and Priorities

Goals give us direction, and help us focus our thoughts and energies where they are most likely to achieve results. They are not the same as dreams, but should reflect our dreams, putting them into practical form. Good goals are realistic, achievable, and valued by the client. Even though the purpose of goals is to move the client out of his or her present situation into a changed situation, the establishment of goals and priorities must take into consideration the client’s needs, desires and limitations and the client’s existing situation.

Locate and Apply Useful Resources

The life coach should be able to help clients locate and identify many resources that may help them achieve their goals. Many times, people do not even recognise valuable resources that are right under their noses, and at other times, they just do not know how to go about locating other resources. Resources can include family members willing to help with childcare or offer comfort, other people with skills, knowledge, time, energy or enthusiasm to share, experts, programmes, guidelines, classes, recycling centres etc. Your task might be to help clients identify existing relevant resources and to help access them.

Replace Negative with Positive Habits

We all develop patterns of thought, attitude and behaviour (or habits) over our lifetimes, and these may be the underlying causes of many of our difficulties. The life coach will be instrumental in helping clients perceive their established patterns or habits, evaluate them, and decide to change them for habits that will support and encourage positive outcomes. However, it is not enough to eliminate a negative habit. Research shows that unless we replace old, negative habits with new, positive ones, we will either revert quickly to our old habits, or develop new negative replacements for them. For instance, if we try to stop smoking without providing a substitute activity, such as chewing gum or exercising, we are more likely to resume smoking or maybe eat more sweets.

Monitor and Evaluate Progress

To ensure that the agreed upon strategies are leading to the desired outcomes, the life coach should encourage the client to monitor his or her progress. Through this kind of attentiveness, which may be conducted through regular discussions with the client as well as by observing results (psychological and physical), the life coach will help the client develop his or her own capacity for accurately assessing the effectiveness of life choices. The life coach will also be monitoring the effectiveness of the life coaching strategies, and adjusting them as the need arises.


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Fee Information (CT)
Prices in Australian Dollars

PlanAust. PriceOverseas Price
A 1 x $3,425.51  1 x $3,114.10
B 2 x $1,848.61  2 x $1,680.55
C 4 x $996.93  4 x $906.30

Note: Australian prices include GST. 

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