Learn Aerobic Fitness online
- Want an in depth knowledge of Cardio Respiratory Fitness?
- Develop a deeper knowledge for self improvement or as an Aerobic Fitness Instructor.
This course will provide you with knowledge and skills needed to be able to conduct exercise classes in a safe and enjoyable manner which promotes health and fitness to the community.
Aerobics activity is a high-energy work out, often set to fast paced music; or endurance activities such as long distance rowing. It can be fun and energetic way to exercise in a group setting which is instructor lead.
Being an aerobics instructor takes physical energy and the ability to communicate with others supporting them throughout the class, ensuring they are safe and taking part in exercises which are effective and beneficial!
There are six lessons in this module as follows:
1. Organising a Class
Anaerobic Energy Supply
Phosphate Energy
Lactic Acid Energy
Energy Requirements for Different Activities; Prolonged by not intense activity, Prolonged Intense Activity, Prolonged Mild to Medium Activity. Short Bursts of Intense Activity
Practical Application of Breathing
Training Response; Tolerance Capacity, Fatigue, Recovery, Deterioration
Basis for Exercise Programming
Movements in Aerobics
Methods of Teaching Aerobics; Add on, Link, Linear Progression
Music; Beat, New Music, Correct Count, Safety and Challenges, Variety, Obtaining Music
Sound System

Warm Up
2. Safety and Efficiency
Safety Overview
Aerobic Class Safety
Incorrect Exercises
Safety in Other aerobic Activities
First Aid Considerations
First Aid Materials and Equipment
Oxygen Equipment
Identifying Hazards
Legal Liability
Failure to Take Reasonable Care
Providing Protection
You as a Fitness Leader
Basic Safety Audit
Pre Screening Clients
Medical Clearance
When Liability becomes a Problem
Contributory Negligence
3. Managing the Workload
Heart Rate
Beats per Minute
Fitness and Heart Rate
Fitness Tests and assessments
What to Test –overview
Measuring Weight
Blood Pressure
Weight and percentage fat
Height Weight Ratio
What affects measurements, significance, variables, methods of measuring different factors
Body Mass Index
Hydrostatic Underwater Weight
Electronic Light Body Composition Analyzers
Physical Dimensions
Heart Rate; factors, significance, measurement methods, training zone
Lung Capacity
Cardiovascular Score
Cardiovascular Limitations
VO2 Max
Step Tests
Field Evaluation of Cardio-respiratory Endurance
Designing Fitness Tests
Procedure for Constructing a New Fitness Test Series
Before any Test
Test Conditions
What Combination of Tests
Managing Exercise Programs
Training Response
4. Teaching
Managing Exercise Programs
Devising Sets of Relevant Exercises
Types of Classes
Classes for Different Types of People; mature adults, athletes, beginners, children of different age groups
Intellectually or Physically Disabled Groups
Dealing with Complaints
5. Class Design
Fitness and Aerobic Class Design
Class Intensity and Duration
Pre Class Screening
Introductory Part of the Class
Intra Class Instruction
Writing an Exercise Program (Session Plan)
Typical Aerobics Class
Aerobic Warm Up
Stretching; body stretch, gluteal stretch, hamstring stretch, Groin Stretch, Abductor Stretch, Lower Back Stretch
Main Body of Exercise Session
Structured Routine
Simple Routine
Muscle Conditioning During Class
Concluding the Session
Cool Down
Class Design
Exercises for Specific Problems
6. Leadership and Participation
- Leadership Concepts
- Leadership Responsibilities
- Shared Leadership
- Qualities of a Leader
- Leadership Communication
- Common Communication Barriers
- Self Esteem
- Reinforcement
- Body Language
- Plan and organise effective cohesive exercises to use with music and for progressive long
- Devise sets of relevant exercises into class programs
- Relate sequences of exercises to music tracks
- Purchase a tape and map out various songs using correct music mapping
- Learn the Add On, Link and Linear Progression methods of teaching aerobics
- Gain a knowledge of music licensing
- Recognise and observe all guidelines for safety and efficiency of movement.
- Design exercise to music classes, using safe exercise practices and movement
- Understand equipment considerations, maintenance and usage.
- Understand the importance of ventilation, temperature, floor surface, hygiene, correct clothing and footwear.
- Determine different class intensity and duration
- Measure the workload during a class, and use training components to design classes that are well graded.
- Compose correct techniques in exercising and teach by example and verbal instruction,
- Understand recommended practises - layering, visual preview, choreography and phrasing.
- Identify the different components of a class.
- Explain how to cater for different levels of fitness and special populations.
- Lead an exercise to music class, using appropriate teaching principles.
- Participate in a variety of exercise to music classes, moving in a controlled and efficient manner.
- Identify common injuries, treatment and prevention, for participants in aerobics classes.
Course Code: BRE203
Number of Assignments: 6
Course Duration: 100 hours
How Can You Know if Your Aerobic Fitness is Good or Bad?
There are many different things that can indicate your level of aerobic fitness. These include such things as
- Heart Rate
- Blood Pressure
- Lung Capacity
- Weight
- Percentage of Body Fat
What is a Cardiovascular Score?
This is a measure of how the heart rate changes in relation to a measurable amount of physical activity. Maximal oxygen uptake can be referred to as VO2 max.
1) Factors
Depends on how you feel on the day. Factors such as caffeine intake, medication, exercise, stress levels, time of day, and health at the time of measurement can all affect heart rate. VO2 max is affected by:
- Fitness - regular exercise can improve V02 max by up to 20%.
- Blood - haemoglobin content in the blood can vary between people and, in particular, between genders (females generally have a lower count than males, resulting in VO2 max for females of up to 30% less than males).
- Genetic Characteristics
- Type of Test - for example, someone who does not exercise regularly will often give better results on a treadmill than on a cycle ergometer.
2) Significance
- Shows how exercise affects heart rate, and how quickly you recover.
- Shows the total amount of oxygen that can be utilised by the body.
3) Variables
- Pulmonary Function - normal or abnormal.
- Muscle Twitch Fibres - depending on one's percentage of muscles, twitch fibres can limit their maximal oxygen uptake. An individual with a large proportion of slow twitch fibres (red/oxidative) will be more inclined to be an endurance athlete rather than a sprinter.
Cardiovascular limitations:
- Age - VO2 max decreases by about 10% per decade with aging, beginning in the late teens for women and mid 20's for men. This can also be associated with a decrease in cardio-respiratory endurance activity.
- Heart Conditions - many people may have to be aware of their potential to train if they have heart problems.
- Oxygen Use - because muscles can receive more oxygen this doesn't mean they can use it. It depends on the myoglobin content and how well it extracts oxygen from the blood.
- Diffusion Capacity - blood may become saturated with oxygen when it has only passed through part of the lungs, so even though it is exposed to more oxygen before leaving the lungs, it doesn't have the ability to absorb it.
- Nervous System - the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system stimulates vasodilation and vasoconstriction. Vasodilation allows more blood to enter the active skeletal muscles. Vasoconstriction occurs in most other tissues and assists in diverting blood to the active muscles. These nervous system functions promote better oxygen delivery around the body.
- Oxidative Enzymes - mitochondria and its efficiency increases with endurance training.