Self Sufficiency Courses

Advanced Permaculture -BHT301

Advanced Course in Permaculture Systems and Design

This course takes permaculture design to a higher level   A course for:
  • Graduates of other permaculture courses including the ACS Permaculture Design course.
  • Garden Designers, Landscape Architects, Horticulturists, Ecologists or other professionals who understand aspects of permaculture - but want to take their knowledge to the next level.

Compose landscape plans that are functional, sustainable, productive and detailed.

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Building Renovation BSS104

Learn Building Renovation

Become self sufficient in repair, maintenance and improvement of your home.

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Certificate in Environmental Sustainability - VEN013

Learn to Manage More Sustainable Environments

  • At home
  • At work
  • In your community or anywhere else


Environmental toxins, food security, resource conservation and even climate change are all far more manageable than what most people realize. All you need is a heightened awareness of both the problems and the possible solutions -and that is exactly what this course gives you.

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Certificate in Self Sufficiency ASS102

Self Sufficiency can reduce your reliance on money, a secure job and a regular income.

It can be a life changing and liberating experience to learn how to provide for your own needs and the needs of your family.

Self sufficiency is not an "all or nothing" proposition and in reality, we will never be totally independent for one reason: it is in our nature to be social, and we all need to interact with other humans in order to be psychologically fulfilled. Many of the tutors in this course have however shown through their own lives that it is possible to grow your own food, produce your own energy and make many of the things you need in your day to day living.

When you study Self Sufficiency through ACS you are learning from people who are both academically trained (in things like farming) and who are applying aspects of self sufficiency to their own daily lives.

Why do this course?

  • To become more self sufficient in your own life
  • To help others become self sufficient, perhaps teaching or maybe by developing a "green" industry business.

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Mud Brick Construction ASS103

Build your own home cheaply with mud bricks   This course is for those;
  • That want to build their own homes in a cheap and sustainable way
  • That have completed permaculture and or self-sufficiency courses and want to take the next step.
  • That want to be consultants in sustainable living and help others achieve this goal.
 Also look at the carpentry, permaculture and self sufficiency courses to complement this one.   If you have thought of building a mud brick building, this course may be an excellent starting point. Its very practical, with some hands on work to get you started; helping you begin experimenting and planning ongoing projects, whether they are a modest garden wall, or more complex buildings. Learn to test soil suitability for mud building, how to make a quality brick and how to test its strength. The course takes you step by step through the building process, showing how to plan a building, sorting through permits and other legalities, doing the site works & foundations, different construction techniques, laying bricks, frames and roofs, installing services, wall finishes and more

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Permaculture Animals VSS106

Animals are an integral part of any landscape, from tiny organisms invisible to the naked eye, to large mammals and birds.

Learn to incorporate and manage animals in any permaculture designed landscape.

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Permaculture I VSS104

Permaculture is a system of agriculture based on perennial, or self perpetuating, plant and animal species which are useful to man.  In a broader context, permaculture is a philosophy which encompasses the establishment of environments which are highly productive and stable, and which provide food, shelter, energy etc., as well as supportive of social and economic infrastructures.

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Permaculture IV VSS107

Learn to bring all of your knowledge of sustainable landscaping and permaculture together to design appropriate, sustainable, productive landscapes.

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Permaculture Plants

Learn to Achieve Planting Success by
  • Choosing the right plant for the right place
  • Growing it using appropriate technologies

Plants are an integral part of any landscape, from tiny organisms to massive trees.

Learn to incorporate and manage plants in any permaculture designed landscape.

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Permaculture Systems - BHT201

Discover Sustainable Gardening Practices Permaculture is a way of life for many people. It incorporates sustainable living methods, both social and practical. It has a common sense approach to how we design our properties, large or small, to make them functional for us and to have a low impact on the environment at the same time.

Study this course to learn how to:

  • Become more self-sufficient and environmentally friendly
  • Spend less - supplement your needs with production from even a small home garden
  • Become a permaculture garden designer or consultant
Learn to prepare plans for permaculture systems (unique landscape where plants and animals live balanced in a self-sustaining ecosystem). It commonly involves developing a garden or farm where the plants and animals are put together in such a way that they support each others growth and development. The garden or farm may change over years, but always remains productive, requires little input once established, and is environmentally sound.

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Self Sufficiency I ASS100

Have you dreamed of being Self Sufficient - but not sure where to start?

 With this online, home study course in Self Sufficiency you can develop a perspective about the broad range of alternative lifestyles that you might lead.   Depending on what/how you produce, you can be relatively self sufficient on a standard suburban house block. You can produce some needs and be partly self sufficient, OR produce all of your needs and be completely self sufficient. An individual person may be self sufficient, OR a group (e.g. a family or community) can be self sufficient. Becoming self sufficient does commonly involves making compromises though.

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    Self Sufficiency II ASS101

    Take the next step in self-sufficiency:
    • Become more self sufficient and environmentally friendly.
    • Spend less -supplement your needs with production from even a small home garden; or
    • Become a permaculture Designer/Consultant.
    • Learn to be self sufficient with your food. You learn about nutrition and how to balance your diet, as well as how to produce, process, store, and use different types of food.
    ACS Student comment - Anne Gilleade, Australia, Self-sufficiency 2 course: "[My tutor] responds positively to my assignments and various design ideas and has a clear understanding of the topics covered that enables her to expand on those ideas. I have enjoyed this course more than most study I have encountered. The content and the notes for that content have been a good guide for the development of our property and what we produce and manage on that property. I find the course to be a very valuable learning experience for the following reasons:
    • The notes for the topics are written in plain English and cover all the scientific aspects simply and thoroughly.
    • The distance mode allows me to study at my own pace-I work full-time in a demanding job and this study method allows me to complete the assignments even though I cannot complete them as quickly as I would like.
    • The assignments give me the basic notes with the opportunity to research the topics in my own way - this has allowed me to build on my knowledge through the course."
    This course covers production and use of berries, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs, bread making, preserves, and more. Cooking, freezing, drying, bottling, making bread, planning a vegetable garden to give produce all year round, and lots more are covered during the ten lessons.

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